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Costa del sol – Spain

The Costa del Sol (literally “sun coast”) is a long stretch of Mediterranean coastline in the Andalucia region of southern Spain. It one of the most important tourist areas in Spain, drawing northern Europeans and Spaniards for its beaches, beautiful weather, and relaxed attitude. It also offers historical and cultural attractions due to its long history of occupation by the Moors.

Because the Costa de Sol is poorly served by public transportation and a car is required, we have combined destination clubs in the very-overlooked city of Málaga, one of Spain’s most beautiful coastal capitals, with clubs on the southern coast. For those wanting to extend their stay beyond the padel trip, the Costa Blanca is an excellent destination for golf tourism.

The Costa del Sol is served by Málaga airport, with a very large number of direct flights from several UK and Ireland airports. Flight times from UK & Ire range from 2 to 2.5 hours, making a 4-day program or even a weekend padel trip extremely appealing.

Our destination clubs will require a larger variety of modes of transportation than in other regions, and a car may often be required. Clubs have restaurants or cafés serving meals on site, and city clubs within walking distance of further eating options.

Tourism Site –


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